Thursday 26 November 2015

Population Growth and Economic Development in Pakistan 

  • Population problem lies at the heart of Pakistan’s social, economic and political problems. At the time of independence, Pakistan (united Pakistan that included former East Pakistan now Bangladesh) was the 13th most populous country in the world with a population of 32.5 million but in 1996 it was seventh with a population of 140 million. Today Pakistan is the 6th most populous country in the world with a population of 162 million.
  • Pakistan’s population has grown at an average rate of 3% per annum since 1951 until mid 1980s but it slowed to an average rate of 2.6% per annum during 1986-2000 and since 2001 it is growing at an average rate of almost 2% per annum
  •  Pakistan’s population has increased 4.3 times.Pakistan’s population growth rate is now highest in Asia at 2.8%. 


  • Population growth is not a problem but there are other issues. 
  • Population growth reduction is a conspiracy of the capitalists’ countries to keep developing countries in their dependence
  • For many developing countries population growth is desirable.


For many years development economists and social scientists have debated the seriousness of the consequences of rapid population growth. Those who are of the view that rapid population growth is not a real problem have offered three arguments:

What is Population?

·         Population growth rate: 1.49% (2014 est.)
In human biology, the whole numbers of residents take up an area (such as a country or the world) and frequently being changed by increases (births and migrations) and losses (deaths and migrations).

 What is Over Population?

The term “Over Population” or “Population Explosion” is used to express the idea of more population for fewer resources    Population Situation in Pakistan:
According to the economic survey of Pakistan 2010-11, the total population of Pakistan is 177.1 million against the 173.5 million in last year. Population growth rate is 2.1 % and in the list of most populous countries, Pakistan is at 6th number.
   Control the Birth Rate
The high birth rate i. e., 2.1% should be discouraged to reduce the population size. Effective and successful family planning should be introduced.
   Increase in Employment
More employment opportunities must be provided to the young, talented, trained and educated population. It will be helpful to decrease the fast birth rate.

   High Literacy Rate

overnment should provide the more educational facilities to the backward population. This will provide the true picture of the economy, resources and population growth rate. Literacy rate is 57.7% in Pakistan.

  1. ·         Low Per Capital Income
  2. ·         Low Growth of Agriculture Sector
  3. ·         High Rate of Inflation
  4. ·         Low Saving and Low Investment
  5. ·         Low Living Standard

Following are the main causes of over population in Pakistan:

Muslims have a solid belief that God gives food to everyone even to an ant living in a stone. So, why they reduce the size of family?
 No or Less Opportunity Cost
71 % Women are not active in economic activities in Pakistan. Women have no any economic loss while having a childe. Opportunity cost for having a childe is very low or zero in Pakistan.
Low Per Capita Income
We know that per capita income derives by dividing national income on total population. Low per capita income shows population explosion. Per capita income in Pakistan is $ 1254.
Unemployment is also a symbol of over population. It is difficult to adjust the huge population in economic activities. Rate of unemployment is 5.6 % in Pakistan.The birth rate is very high which shows that our country is over populated. Rapid growth rate of population is 2.1 % in Pakistan.
Need for More Earning Hands
A single person cannot sport his large family in developing countries like Pakistan. He thinks to have more children to be more earning hands.
Low Death Rate
Reduction in death rate is another cause of over population. Death rate in 1951 was 2.8 % while it is just 0.73 % in 2010-11.
Low Standard of Living
It is observed that in Pakistan people with low income have more children. It is difficult to support such large size family. It results in low living standard of the population.
Due to lack of education, people are not aware of with the economic problems caused by high birth rate. Literacy rate is 57.7 % in Pakistan.

Population Growth Economic Development in Pakistan:

Economic development of a country depends upon various factors such as its natural resources,capital goods and human resources. Human resources are of fundamental importance because without them, the natural resources of a country cannot be utilized reticently. Population plays a double role in the process of economic development in the third world countries. On one hand, it provides labor force for economic development; while on the other hand, it is a burden on natural resources and hampers economic growth.

The population of Pakistan was 32.5 million in the former West Pakistan in 1972, 65.3 million in June 2004. Pakistan is one of those forty developing countries of the world whose population growth is 1.90% every year. It is the 9th most populous country in the world. The growth rate of the population is a focal point in the economic development of a country. In the early 20th century, the growth rate of the population in Pakistan was only 0.86%. It kept on going up with the passage of time.
It was 1.10% in 1972 and 3% in June 2004. The growing population creates economics and social problem such as housing, education, health transport water scarcity and urbanization. It reduces per capital income because when national income is divided by a big population, it results in a decline in per capital income. A greater percentage of scarce resources is diverted to meet the basic consumption needs of masses.
Therefore little capital is saved for investment and hence no investment can be made. This creates the problem of un-employment and under employment which in turn leads to a fall in national income.
There are two conflict opinions among the economists. Some economists suggest that population is a natural resource and it should be allowed to grow for economic development while others oppose this view and regard rapid growth of population a big obstacle to economic development.
Keeping in view all these constraints we need to focus on the resources available in the country and device strategies to utilize them effectively so that everyone becomes productive. We need to improve our labor efficiency to increase production and per capital income.
Also, the government should adopt positive population control policies along with basic needs activities for development. This comprises of natural reduction of birth rate and adoption of basic need activities approach for development in a simple and feasible way.
It is the only way by which population growth rate could be reduced and provision of basic needs can be guaranteed and through this way we can increase our economy and make our nation one of the greatest nations of the world.